Saturday, January 14, 2006

PMS Day (Pizza, Music, Scrapbooking)

Today we held the first official PMS day for experienced scrapbookers. This is a day when us experienced folk gather to work on our own projects. We do this because we often spend time at crops and classes teaching others, and don't get much done ourselves. So this was a nice nice day. I scrapped from 1pm-10pm and I got ten pages done, plus some touch ups on some pages that I hadn't fully embellished jet. I was working on my wedding album. I did the page for the restraunt that we got engaged at, and added it to the engagement story in the album. I also did the entire 5 page layout for the Bachelorette Spa day, and the title pages with invitations for both bridal showers and the spa day. All I have left before I start the wedding/honeymoon/ reception pictures is the shower in Buda. Closer! I have one shower already finished. Some of these are blurry, and there may be some glare. But I didn't have time to scan them all tonight. SO. Without further adeiu.... click on the pictures to make them larger and see more detail.


  1. I have been collecting things to start scrapbooking, your pages are great.

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