Thursday, January 05, 2006

my M&M suit.

So, our "cook supper" plan keeps getting screwed up. Tuesday night I had a Computer User Group Meeting and if I hadn't had that meeting, I would have had to clean dog kennels. Wednesday night (last night) I cooked a fabulous Penne Pasta with Ricotta and vegetables. It was very tasty, husband was pleased, dogs were excited, and Evan got full WITHOUT MEAT! Amazing eh?

Then I put on my M&M suit and walked on the treadmill for 8 minutes. Oh and I made Chocolate Cupcakes for my boss's birthday today, and then frosted them with pretty pink frosting. Then I had to eat 3 of them because they were lopsided.

Oh yeah, M&M suit, I should explain. I told Cari this story and she laughed, so that must mean that it is funny. When I do yoga, I like to feel zen. It's hard to feel zen when your underwear are bugging you and your bra is pinching you. So I bought a bootcut unitard. It is like a tank top that goes right into pants, and it is comfortable and stretchy and it works great for yoga and excercise in general. Problem is, I am not skinny enough to be wearing a unitard so I look like an M&M with arms and Legs. Round body. That's me. So when I excercise, I put on my M&M suit, close the blinds, and walk on the treadmill or do yoga or whatever. So I call it my M&M suit. Better than an S&M suit, eh?

So anyway, it was like 10:30pm and I wore my M&M suit and Ryka Aerobics shoes for the like 20 minutes while I walked on the treadmill and then frosted cupcakes. So tonight I anticipate donning the M&M suit again and walking on the treadmill. I need to start with short intervals and increase as I get into shape. Right now my legs get tired walking at that fast of a pace, and that late at night, and I can't go too long without getting rubber legs. So 8 minutes. I hope to increase that so that I can eventually walk for like an hour. my goal is 30 continuous minutes by the end of January and 1 hour by the end of February.

I walked last night while watching Nanny 911 and the beginning of that 70's show. Tonight is The O.C. followed by Reunion, so I plan on trying intervals this evening. Like walk for 10, break for 10 or 15, then wallk for 10 again. If I do this, I may eventually get to a continuous walk routine. I mean, before winter hit, I used to take my iPod and walk around Princeton for 30 minutes during my lunch. I would walk at a brisk pace, but it is different on a treadmill. Don't know why. I am probably going a bit faster and at a constant uphill. But after 8 minutes I was warmed up and getting that excercise high and the tingling legs and feet! Yeah! My heart DOTH still beat! So please do not visit while I am wearing my M&M suit. I won't answer the door. and if you see the shadow of a walking M&M behind the blinds, that's just me. And just if you are curious, I am a green M&M at heart. And I melt for no one.


  1. HEE. I think we need a picture!

  2. Gotta love that one -- I have a green spandex top that I bought from one of the outfitters of the Winsor Pilates crowd. You can see my "before" picture in the photo gallery at the 6WBMO forum. Yes, I'm trying something else -- found a new use for my treadmill besides netsurfin'...

    I’m enrolling in classes at the New Body University this semester -- 'specially for those of us who have GET FIT on their list of New Year’s resolutions. Look me up if you decide to join the fun (and don’t forget Thursdays mean a road trip to the virtual French Quarter, partying till dawn, and back to the dorm in time for our 8 o’clocks on Friday morn ;) Those were the days, my friend; we thought they’d never end…

    Laissez les bons temps rouler ~
    (Let the good times roll)

  3. Had a thought about the treadmill -- the 6-Week Body Makeover plan advises an easy pace on a non-inclined treadmill over a period of 45-60 minutes. That's staying within 55% to 65% of your target heart rate, and I was surprised to find out that it was doable for me on a manual. Maybe a lower pace setting on your machine would help you build endurance and strength, as well as burn fat more quickly. He recommends a minimum of 5 times a week, plus two days of toning (18-minute personalized sculpting plan.) Hang in there, Amiga!

  4. *Correction: That's 55%-65% of Maximum Heart Rate which translates in the Target Heart Rate, or "Fat-Burning Zone," according to 6WBMO guru, Michael Thurmond. I'm off to the showers! HAND-pda
