Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Make My Day. I will post about you too. Promise.

So Christie just stopped by and made my day. I am not saying that lying around in bed in various states of undress with your laptop can't be satisfying, but just as I was getting SO bored, she took a step over that line from Lurking reader to COMMENTING READER! Yee-Ha! People READ my blog!

SO of course I had to go check her out and I was instantly thrilled. And she is LINKED to me! WOW! I am famous (mini dance in bed) and I should blogroll her too!

What is totally cool is that she has a link to a geeky site where I have never been, and I found two new items that I covet. Oh boy! I might buy the sweatshirt, because I LOVE hooded sweatshirts. I Love love love them.

Check out my new covets and go see Christie for me!