Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Almost "finished" product

Ya'll are gonna be so sick of house pictures before we are done.

In these pics it looks finished. To the untrained eye there are a few things left, like a coat of stain on all the built in woodwork and trim, and the doors and windows. After that it will look really snappy. Re-painted the old registers with that Rustoleum hammered spray paint and plain old Rustoleum black. I love rustoleum. Who am I kidding... I love spray paint. That's why when Jeff Foxworhty first came out with the term "say it with Krylon" I was feeling a little redneckish myself. So these are pics I took this morning when I got up, because I could just walk on the floor barefoot as the floor sealant had just dried that much. Note the two dogs who have been prisioners of the front porch since Saturday while the floors are drying, to ward off claw marks and dog hair. Soon they will be free to roam again. Tomorrow is the last day of staining and such. Photo #1 is the living room. Photo #2 is the dining room, obviously the two rooms are divided by the pillars, beam, and built in leaded glass cabinets, where we usually store our wine glasses and other fancy glassware, and sometimes my Christmas Bell collection. Photo #3 is another view of the dining room, and Photo #4 one of the old registers that we refurbished. Photo #5 is of the dogs imprisioned on the porch. See their beady eyes shining?


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    oh my gosh the house looks awesome

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Your house looks wonderful!! I would love to have something other than "white walls" but I am "decorating challenged". ha

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    your living room looks great!!!

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    LOVE the floors and the colors on walls. We just painted our house
    inside and
    I really wanted to go with an actual COLOR but I was scared so I went

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Your pictures are beautiful! I am so jealous!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  6. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Your house is FANTASTIC! I can't wait to see it. You've done a fabulous job.

  7. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Wow - the walls look awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those colors are perfect - exactly the ones I've always loved. (very "Under the Tuscan Sun" feel)

    I'm so jealous.

  8. I love it! How gorgeous!

    Beautiful job.

  9. I covet your house. The wood is beautiful. Post more pix.

