Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Books I want- And Thanksgiving is my Birthday (for real)

Goodnight Nobody by Jennifer Weiner- Having read In her Shoes, Good in Bed, and Little Earthquakes, I desperately want this book. I don’t want to pay for the hardcover and I haven’t seen a softcover version yet. This is a a must have book!

Wicked by Gregory Maquire- Having heard review on Wicked the musical, and watching the trailer, I really want to see it. BUT even worse, I need to read the book first. I have heard that the book is much darker and better than the musical, which is more “disneyish.”

Teacher Man: A Memoir by Frank McCourt- I have read all of Frank McCourt’s and Malachy McCourt’s Books, from Angela’s Ashes on. I love Franks writing the most, but enjoyed hearing the version from Malachy’s mouth also (even though I didn't believe him). I have them all in hardback, and would love to have this one in hardback as well!

Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen- I am appalled at the fact that there are so many religions that we know nothing about. Christian faiths teach you to be blind to other religions and their beliefs and cultures, and I for one am sick of it. I want to learn about Buddhism and monks and absorb information from another culture for once.

The Nine Month Plan by Wendy Markham

American Girls About Town short stories by authors, including Jennifer Weiner

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  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Happy Birthday To You ... Happy Birthday To You ... Happy Birthday, Dear Meagan ... Happy Birthday To You!

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    That's a great story. Waiting for more. Physical effects of valium overdose
