Friday, September 30, 2005

Bent Spaghetti, Katrina's Gator, Good TV and Strep Throat

The sickness is subsiding. I did have strep, and on Tuesday I had to go to the doctor to get antibiotics. Then on Wednesday I wasn’t allowed back at work yet, because I had not been on the antibiotics for 24 hours. So Thursday I was back to work. I am feeling much better, I still have a cough and a stuffy nose, but my throat isn’t really sore anymore. Unless I am coughing that is.

Work has been fine. House has been fine. Our bedroom has drywall, and some mud and tape, they are sanding today. My new Ribbon and Craft Organizers came Wednesday evening and Jimmy and Brad hung them on Thursday. That was cool. I am excited. It cleared up tons of space on my table for a bigger work area. Of course now I have had 3 days off work, without pay because I have no PTO since the wedding, so that stinks…. But at least Evan is in the field so that means extra money. My check next week will be meager and small. Icky.

My sister sent me an email yesterday with the 21 foot alligator that they supposedly found swimming the streets of New Orleans after Katrina. Yeah right. So I looked it up on Snopes, and it was really found 3 years ago in the Republic of the Congo, and it wasn’t the size the email claimed it was. So if you get that email, don’t believe it.

Another thing you might not believe. Bent Spaghetti. Spaghetti “bent” in half to the breaking point does not break in half, but in fact, into three or more pieces. Don’t believe it? Check out the video and the supporting facts.

Watched some great TV last night. Starting with the season premiere of the OC, and then onto the new show Reunion which was AWESOME. The cast is phenomenal, They have all been in other great shows and or movies. It’s amazing the differing roles they play. Evan and Mom even liked that Reunion. Then we watched Tuesday’s episode of “My Name is Earl” and I laughed so much. Totally worth it. I love how they all drive el Caminos and have 1970’s sofas, wood paneling, and those trailer park kitchen tables and chairs- priceless.

This weekend will be the rescheduled dog walk (tomorrow morning) and then I will work on Sunday. This past week Evan made big plans for us this weekend, he promised to take me to Tanner’s Orchard and then we would get his dad’s truck to take my dad his thatcher that Evan’s dad borrowed, and Evan and I would get a corn shock for the yard and put up the scarecrow. Well, then he got a call from Bones, whose bachelor party “golfing” is this Saturday, so all those plans got cancelled. My fun day with my husband- all gone. Boo-Hoo. SO he said we will do all that next weekend, but I will be gone to Angela’s and to Chicago for the weekend, and so we will not get to do it then either. SO I might be going to Tanner’s by myself this year, or not at all. That is so sad. Although I did just read that they are open till 8pm on weeknights. That’s a thought. But with Evan in the fields I will still have to go alone.


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