Monday, February 20, 2012

Kidspeak- joker wedding

Overheard from the playroom

Marek- "Batman and Robin are going to the junkyard."
Ardyn- "good, then the Joker can come to Barbie's wedding!"

Meagan ~ via blogpress on my iPhone :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Frustration= Motherhood Maternity

I just placed a LARGE order at Motherhood Maternity. I haven't been pregnant in the summer for 5 years and when I was, I was wearing a different size and working full time... At a job that didn't allow jeans, capris, or shorts.

Motherhood recently had a good sale of BOGO 50% off and some redline items were BOGO free. I got a couple of tshirts, two pair or Capri pants, one pair of shorts, and two packages of underwear. I placed the order yesterday. The order hasn't shipped and the total was near $200. Today I received an email that stated there was now free shipping on orders over $75.

I called their customer service immediately and explained that my order hasn't shipped yet an was placed yesterday and was told they can not credit my order the $6 shipping. Wow. I have never ever run into a company that behaves that way.

If there were several competitors for maternity clothes I would cancel my entire order and shop elsewhere. Idiots.

Meagan ~ via blogpress on my iPhone :)